me in headshot mode circa 2022

me proofreading circa 1994


i’m ali and when i was twelve i used to walk through new york city on google earth street view and memorize how to walk to my favorite theaters.

my favorite thing in the world is cultivating a space for artists to create their best work, and then putting that work in front of as many people as possible. if i love something, i make it my job to make everyone else love it too.

i don’t like artist statements; i do like these things:

  • musicals that don’t sound like musicals

  • real things happening onstage (if you have ideas on how to shave someone’s head onstage more than once, let me know and maybe i’ll finish my gay haircut play)

  • theater in surprising places (let me do a play in your living room)

  • resourceful, innovative direction

  • realities that are just a liiiittle bit different from our own

  • monsters (literally, like, werewolves) with souls; related, people who think they are bad trying very, very hard to be good

  • limitations (financial, spacial, what-have-you) and overcoming them

  • being the number one cheerleader for a project

  • spreadsheets, for business and for fun (these are sometimes the same)

  • spinning as many plates as possible

  • producing with deep care for artists at the center

i have worked on and off- broadway, in administrative and creative contexts, freelance and with an organization, for about ten years. i love things earnestly and loudly, and am always looking for my next work or artist to champion.

here are some of my peers whose work i adore and i am always eager to work with:

peter charney

sloth levine

good apples collective (nina goodheart and sophie mcintosh)

michael lepore

margaret hall

leah plante-wiener

the following images sum up my ethos as a dramaturg and producer, respectively